2022 | Women in AI Ethics™
Women in AI Ethics™
Given the pervasiveness of biased Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and risk to human lives from flawed AI systems, there is an urgent need for open discussion and concrete action to address the perils of unchecked AI.
We can’t talk about ethics in AI without inclusion of women and other marginalized groups that are traditionally underrepresented in AI/tech. The Women in AI Ethics™ (WAIE) is a global initiative with a mission to increase recognition, representation, and empowerment of women in AI Ethics. This initiative started with the first 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics™ list in 2018, which is now published annually to recognize rising stars as well as pioneers in this space. To increase representation of women at AI/tech conferences and companies, we have also launched an open online directory of Women in AI Ethics™ to make it easier for conference organizers and recruiters to recruit talented women working hard to make AI ethical, inclusive, and accessible for all.